Are you still buying from Japan the hard way? Try ZenPlus instead!
I believe you deserve more.
When you go online and you browse through countless options to fulfill your craving for Japanese goodies, don’t you wish there was a fast and simple way to order from Japan?
Without any waiting, complicated service fee schemes, miscommunication with sellers, or issues?
Put “affordable” and “reliable” on top of that, and suddenly it feels like too much to ask.
Japanese shops just one click away
Meet ZenPlus.
Imagine you are going door to door to thousands of Japanese shops, asking one by one if they’d please, please start taking orders from outside Japan.
Then you tell them that you will host all the items on your website; take care of customer support in over 10 languages by yourself, translating all questions and answers; that you will manage the logistics for international shipping; and that you will take payment in hundreds of currencies from all around the world, with a wide selection of digital, crypto and cash payment methods, for them (no matter the exchange rate!).
They would call you crazy, but that’s more or less exactly what we did, so that you don’t have to. We might be a little crazy.
After months of negotiations, we now boast a selection of over one thousand Japanese shops all over Japan, spanning all sorts of categories such as anime figures, fishing gear, apparel, brand bags, designer goods, electronics, collectible watches, musical instruments, and many more.
We don’t want to leave anybody out, and we are constantly on the lookout for new shops to register in our service. There’s a broad selection of Japanese shops available for anime figures, fishing gear, apparel, brand bags, designer goods, electronics, collectible watches, musical instruments, and more.
Some of the stores you might already know: the famous Tower Records, SNK Online Shop, Kaiyodo, and even R4G.
Some of the Japanese Shops in ZenPlus
Earlier last year, we were delighted to announce that the official SNK international store is now on our eCommerce marketplace ZenPlus.
You can finally get all the previous releases and Japan limited items from the famous video game company SNK delivered to you anywhere in the world. Check out Scarlet Sprites a popular retro gaming YouTuber unboxing several things he got from SNK’s online store.
R4G is a famous apparel brand for anime and game collaborations. They have kindly uploaded a very exclusive collection of masks and hoodies (among other amazing items!) to their shop on our platform. Do check them out!
See what Soda Pets picked up from the R4G official shop.
What do we offer
When you order from Japanese shops through ZenPlus, you automatically enjoy all the benefits of our premium service:
- No lengthy or complex price checks or proxy fees.
- 3% rebate on all ZenPlus items after shipping (plus hundreds of items on discount!) when buying from ZenPlus shops through
- If you buy through the native platform, you can get an instant quote for international shipping from Japan at the time of checkout.
- Only reliable sellers! Only the sellers that we choose to work with are allowed to sell through our ZenPlus platform.
- Enjoy our guarantee of quality and customer protection. If you purchase a new item and it’s not as described, you are entitled to compensation.
- More importantly: when you purchase through ZenPlus, you encourage more and more shops in Japan to take the leap and start serving overseas customers like you!
We need your help too!
Even if you don’t find yourself right now in dire need of Japanese merchandise, please consider signing up (absolutely free!) to our platform, recommending us to a friend or just sharing our service on Social Media.
When you support ZenPlus, you help encourage Japanese shops to open their doors to overseas customers like you, all around the world.
Don’t spend your time waiting around — sign up now for ZenPlus at or enjoy our new website directly and get your quote for free!